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Photography Testimonials

"Todd's Zoom presentation was well done, interesting, informative, inspiring and enjoyed by our members. Todd's images showed us to open our eyes and minds to expand our vision and that Architectural Photography is not only about complete buildings, but partials and details make for great shots also. Todd's personality and communication skills are superb. I have no hesitation to recommend Todd to other clubs as a speaker."

Tom Kallsen - President and Program Chair for the Hamilton Camera Club

"We had the pleasure of listening to Todd’s presentation to the Etobicoke Camera Club.   The presentation was on “Composite Photography” and Todd demonstrated multiple examples of his work, ways to unlock our own creativity and guides/steps such as perspective, backgrounds, shadows and colour to name a few in order to produce good composites.  I found the presentation enjoyable and informative.  I would highly recommend him to other clubs."


Carmina Maruska - Program Director Etobicoke Camera Club

"The Oshawa Camera Club had Todd present his Architectural Photography Presentation. It was very well received and appreciated by our Members. Todd's distinct style of presentation delivers insight, technique and inspirational content for all skill levels and garners further appreciation for the Art of Architecture. Todd presentation is well organized and presented such that it's easy to follow along without being overwhelmed. 


We have been fortunate enough to have Todd conduct several Architectural Workshops which supplemented the information from his Presentation. Putting the theory into practice with direct hands-on demonstration in the field with Todd ties all concepts together. Members not only learn about getting a unique perspective on an Architectural subject, but also realize that what Todd teaches can also be applied to other facets of Photography such as Travel, Product, Abstracts and Street."

Bharat Mistry- Oshawa Camera Club, President, Tech Director, FSG Leader,

Past President, O3C

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